Posted on: 17.10.2019

Prime time: video content marketing in 2019

The opportunities for content marketing in the digital world seem to be ever-evolving. But don’t change the channel, because video isn’t a trend that’s just going to fade away. In recent years it’s become a fundamental part of most consumer’s online experiences, and whatever augmented realities await us around the corner, there’s never been a more important time to utilise video in your campaign’s strategy. 

You don’t need a trend to come along for your brand to test the water (remember the Harlem Shake? Heh, didn’t we grow up fast!) There are plenty of effective ways your brand could utilise video. Let’s review some of the latest data that’s reaffirming why it could galvanise your next content strategy. 

The internet’s a busy place for video. So much so that at least a third of all online activity is dedicated to watching it.

Despite our snazzy laptops, big tellies and USB Firechrome whatsits, over half of web based video content is now viewed on mobile devices.

Size doesn’t matter though, as a remarkable 80% of consumers are able to recall a video they watched online over a month ago. This is pretty astonishing when you consider the scale of material available across all social media sites.

And those platforms are powerful. Statistics show that video content on social media can lead to 53% of consumers engaging with a brand after watching a piece of content.

This traction is understandable when you consider social feeds and organic reach. Twitter reports from its own data that tweets containing videos are six times more likely to be retweeted than photo posts. 

Instagram claims that multi-platform video content actually receives double the engagement on its platform compared to the same content shared on other social sites.

Irrespective of their unique purposes, the trends show that the optimal length of social media video content is less than 30 seconds… so make sure those 30 seconds count.

90% of customers claim that video content has helped them make a buying decision, and 64% of customers agree that watching a video makes them more likely to buy a product. 

Away from social media, video content has brought great results in email and web marketing strategies too. Linking to content in direct mailers can increase your click through rates by 200-300%. 

Video content generation could also enhance your SEO strategy. Businesses have found that hosting relevant, original video content can allow for up to a 157% increase in organic traffic. 

And what’s more, it seems that video content could lower your bounce rates. Audiences spend twice as long on a page with video than they do without. 

If the breadth of these statistics doesn’t motivate you to consider video as a tool for your next campaign, then there’s one particular number that might just persuade you otherwise. Audiences are 95% more likely to remember a call to action after watching a video, as opposed to more traditional methods. 

So before you see the hypocrisy in this advice being delivered to you through a blog and not a vlog, please be that other 5% for just five minutes today. Don’t miss out on that engagement, those shares, those clicks and those potential new leads. It’s prime time.

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