Posted on: 24.07.2024

Women in Design.


The design industry can be a big and scary beast – full of maddeningly perfect profiles, inspired creative output and impenetrable networks where it’s more about who you know than what you know. Add to that the male-dominated demographic of the creative industries as a whole, and it could seem like quite a mountain to climb for those about to graduate.

So how can we find mentors and inspirational figures to help summit that mountain… or to make it to basecamp at least? How can women in the design industry use their unique perspectives to guide the next generation of talent?

We asked our inspired and inspiring female designers for the lessons they live by…

Ruth – Senior Designer

Find your own perspective…

Everyone is different, and we all have different strengths. It’s great to learn from others, but your skills are your own and the best teams are collaborations between designers with different skill sets.

Celebrate your strengths…

It’s easy to focus on what you could improve, but don’t forget about the stuff you’re already great at! I used to just focus on my weaknesses, but I should also have been celebrating my successes – no matter how big or small.

Don’t worry about what you don’t know…

University can’t teach you everything, and I learnt so much more from my first job, working alongside other designers. I’m still learning, even 10 years into my career. So let the team around you help.

Role models come in all shapes and sizes…

Don’t be put off by looking for the ‘perfect’ mentor. It could be anyone, at any level. The best role models for me have often been fellow designers I’ve collaborated with, helping me grow, rather than just those in leadership roles.

Nothing’s set in stone…

I started out studying Illustration, but changed my degree to Graphic Design. Then a few years into my career, I added Web Design to my skill set. It’s absolutely OK to change your mind, and your path. It’s the most exciting part of our industry!


Becca – Designer

Don’t be afraid to take up space…

You deserve to be in our industry as much as anyone else, and design can feel like a real ‘boys club’ sometimes. Female designers especially can feel like they don’t fit in, but use your insight and perspective to your advantage. Men aren’t the enemy, but you don’t have to be like them!

Be the change you want to see…

It’s a classic mantra, but if you experience frustrations around gender in your workplace then the best thing you can do is become the role model your younger self would need. Take an active role, get involved in mentorship and call out discrimination or bias when you experience it!

Never stop learning…

Educating yourself can be the best way to make meaningful change, and that goes beyond our industry to culture, life and human experience. The more you know, the more you can accept and understand. Don’t get hung up on finding your niche.

Find your support network…

Gender inequality isn’t your battle to fight alone, so when you feel exhausted or hopeless you need a network of friends, colleagues and all-out talented women to draw strength from. Find them, support them and champion each other.

If you want it, ask…

A huge problem in design is getting women into leadership roles, and part of that is about attitude. If you think you deserve that promotion, shout up and make your case. When I started I was told it could take three years to move from Junior to Middleweight. But I worked my butt off, and 18 months later I achieved it. No women in senior positions where you work? Be the first!


Megan – Junior Designer

Lift up other women…

We women need celebrating, especially in our industry. It might feel like you need to focus on your own success to get on, but make room to share other women’s work, attend female-run events and talks, and champion female creatives.

Don’t compromise on your values…

My university cohort was 85% female, so I was shocked by how male-dominated the industry was when I began my job search. It was overwhelming! But it was also important for me to find a workplace with a good gender balance. We’re 50/50, and I feel supported and valued. I wouldn’t work somewhere I didn’t.

Speak up when you need help…

As a woman, it might feel like you have something to prove, and sometimes we’re all guilty of getting our heads down and refusing to ask for help. But asking for help isn’t a weakness, it’s a strength. The women around you offer fresh perspective and a helping hand you can’t afford to ignore.

Give yourself a break…

You’ve worked hard to get to where you are, and it might have felt like an uphill battle. So make sure you pause and take a breather. Celebrate your wins, big and small, and feel the weight lift off. And keep a record, so you can look back and smile.

Keep an eye out…

Inspirational women might just be hiding in the places you least expect. I’ve found some amazing role models amongst friends and colleagues in the design world, but equally amongst incredible and talented women in totally unrelated fields.

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